AgroWay holding mission — transfer of global knowledge and technologies in the agriculture of Kyrgyzstan

AgroWay Holding contributes to the prosperity of the agricultural sector of Kyrgyzstan by providing comprehensive consulting and business services that promote a healthy lifestyle and transfer world knowledge and innovative technologies
Strategic direction

The Holding values are honesty, unity, innovation and creativity

AgroWay Holding has extensive experience and relevant qualifications in the agricultural sector of the country in providing consulting, training and research services


Agricultural technology of crops:

  • Integrated potato management (soil, seeds, ISR, care, storage, marketing, business plan, etc.);
  • Integrated orchard management (soil, seasonal pruning, grafting, ISR, business plan, storage, selection of seedlings, sales);


  • Integrated management of beekeeping (apiary, beekeepers, Queen bees, protection of bees from diseases and pests, business plan, sales);

International standards:

Consulting and implementing a management system to meet the requirements of international standards: ISO, HACCP, Organic, Global G. A. P.;

Institutional development:

  • Development of the Charter, strategy, business plan;
  • Assistance in company registration;
  • Training in the field of marketing, business planning, strategy, sales (SMM, etc.).


Trips to Germany, Israel, Turkey and other countries to exchange experience between farmers in potato growing, horticulture, beekeeping and agricultural products processing

Public Association Ecological cluster of the Issyk-Kul biosphere territory

In March 2017, the government of the Kyrgyz Republic presented a new Concept of regional policy of the Kyrgyz Republic for the period 2018-2022. The main goal of the regional policy is to ensure accelerated socio-economic development of the Republic’s regions to improve the welfare and quality of life of the population through focused support for the development of reference territories based on sustainable reproduction of the environment. Compliance with the norms of eco-safety of economic activity and proper positioning of the unified brand of the Issyk-Kul Biosphere territory on the international market as a zone for the production of environmentally friendly products and services will increase the competitiveness of the entire Issyk-Kul region

Contributes to the creation of conditions for sustainable socio-economic development based on green technologies in Kyrgyzstan by effectively strengthening the constructive dialogue between the state, society, business and science


AgroWay Holding conducts research in the field of agriculture (Value-added chain, database, analytics and recommendations)




Head office
Kyrgyz Repulic, Bishkek city, 27/1 Gorkyi str, office 706
+996 312 580 133
+996 502 580 133
Representative office in Issyk-Kul region
Ton area, Bokonbaevo village, str. Sekeeva 44
+996 777 736 415 +996 502 580 133
Representative office in Batken region

Batken city, st. S. Aitmatova, 10
+996 500 580 133