Стратегические направления:

  1. Transfer of global knowledge and technologies ins KR;

  • Organization of exchange of experiences between Kyrgyzstan and international universities, experts, farmers, business companies
  • Attracting highly qualified international agricultural experts to strengthen the capacity of specialists, consultants, and farmers
  • Adaptation of international training materials, video courses, mobile offers, distribution/sale to farmers and their training at demo stages and demos;
  • Import of foreign varieties of seeds, seedlings, valuable breeds of cattle, bees, agricultural machinery and equipment for farmers of the Kyrgyzstan;
  1. Building the capacity of agricultural consultants in agricultural activity;

  • Enhancing the capacity of agro consultants
  • Training of young consultants/trainers
  1. Promotion of export of agricultural products from Kyrgyzstan

  • Research of external and internal markets for cluster development;
  • Participation in exhibitions/fairs, conferences, etc.;
  • Search and establishment of new sales markets;
  • Consolidation and certification of agricultural products of farmers of Kyrgyzstan;
  1. . Access to agricultural Finance and infrastructure:

  • Training farmers in financial literacy and business planning;
  • Promoting farmers ‘ access to drinking and irrigation water, roads, sewage treatment plants and electricity;
  • Assistance to farmers in obtaining affordable loans and grants;
  1. Political assistance in agriculture

  • Active participation in the development and lobbying of draft laws, strategies, programs, etc. NLA (normative legal act) in the agricultural sector